SD: Afternoon Breeze -- 8/28/01 (2)

Watershot at W/S

After class, I decided to check out the surf again. Conditions were markedly different, with a firm onshore breeze crumbling the waves. The crowd was noticeably different than the morning crew, with a much younger crowd with more shortboarders and bodyboarders.

I decided to check out Mitch's Surf Shop and rent a board. Mitch, a cool quiet guy, helped me out. I spent quite a bit of time weighing the virtues of each board he pulled out, and finally decided on an 8'0" hybrid/funboard (I was told it was a 7'6").

Coming back to Windansea, the conditions hadn't changed much. But I decided to give it a go anyway.

This session was quite different than the morning session. Maybe it was the conditions, maybe the crowd, maybe the board. It just wasn't as fun.

Actually, the board worked quite well for me. I had no problems catching waves on it, and it turned really well. Caught a few decent lefts and rights through the sesh.

However, the crowd made it a little harder to catch waves. Also, the waves weren't very consistent, so there was a lot of sitting and waiting. Still, it was invigorating being in the water as the sun went down behind the clouds, with sunbeams shining through.

Grabbed a bite at Rubio's, then went to the hotel room exhausted, but satiated. Still, I was looking forward to another dawn patrol the next morn.

Aloha from LJ,
