Getting Back Into the Groove -- 12/5/04

Good fun waves

Date: December 5, 2004
Time: 0615 -- 0915
Spot(s): Rocky Rights
Conditions: Medium side-offshore trades, started off with few people out
Swell: Dying NW and a bit of tradewind wrap
Surf: 1-3' Haw'n

Words: Went on a family vacation to NYC and got sick so didn't surf for three weeks. When I finally was able to go, I chose the North Shore despite a solid east windswell firing at Sandy's and a diminishing (unseasonal) south in Town. Ended up getting tiny Rocky's.

Actually, being small was perfect for me to get back into the groove of things. Had to reacquaint my atrophied muscles to surfing moves. It actually worked out nice with the other swells, because it seemed to have kept the crowd down to a minimum.

Had some really fun drainers on the shallow reef. Inadvertently landed on the RR rock that juts out on the inside. Did a couple of flat backflops onto the shallow shelf (less tha a foot deep) on the left at RR. Just really nice feeling the flow and small power pockets. With this easy reintroduction, maybe I'll be a little more prepared for bigger stuff that winter usually dishes up.

Aloha from Paradise,
