Nadir -- 5/15/05

One of the first shots with my new camera

Date: May 15, 2005
Time: 0600--0700, 0730--0930
Spot(s): RRs & OTW/Ins
Conditions: Slightly windy and slightly crowded
Swell: Mixed swell with predominant north
Surf: 2-4' Haw'n

Words: Notable happenings today:
1. Surfed right on the nadir between two small swells.
2. Stepped on something walking out on the reef. Poked the *top* of my toe. Swollen and purple.
3. Used my Pentax Optio WP for the first time. (Early critique on camera later.)
4. Broke my shortboard at RRs on a chest-high wave.
5. Got vibed while sponging at OTW/Ins by a couple of surfers (would they have done the same had I been on my stick?). Laughed it off.

Aloha from Paradise,
