Bodysurfing 101 -- 9/15/05

Steve Kapela, styling

Date: Sep 15, 2005
Time: 0730--0930
Spot(s): Panics
Conditions: Still beautiful
Swell: Big ssw with light winds
Surf: 4-6' Haw'n

Words: I had never really gotten into bodysurfing. But I've always wanted to learn. Well, because of an article I am writing, I'm getting that chance. So I've been taking pics and catching a few in between.

The big south continued, with some sweet waves coming through. I was amazed at the skill of the riders out there.

I caught a few fun ones with camera in hand, but man, I got a long way to go before I'm even remotely competent. In the meantime, I'll be taking pictures, enjoying the view and the skills of the real bodysurfers.

Aloha from Paradise,
