2/15/13: My friend Tom generously took me to his home in La Jolla where I rested for a day.

That first night and next day was just a blur: going to the bathroom, eating food from Tom and his wife Mary Ann (especially the Jello!), taking pain killers, sleeping. Couldn't get comfortable but they took such great care of me. I just crashed on the floor in his spare room.

My wife came that evening and we booked a hotel near the airport. Took my first bath since the incident. Felt so good afterwards. Wife said I stank.

2/16/13: If I didn't move, it was only uncomfortable. However, the moment I shifted position and turned the leg, I was hit with searing pain. It was a merry-go-round of pain whenever I went to the bathroom, then settled down, and finally nodding off. Took Percocet to "stay ahead of the pain."

Temporary cast started itching (writing on my leg said "Cut this foot," nah!). Knew it was only the beginning. But it was better than the alternative.

Have been reading a lot about tib-fib fractures. Some have had excruciatingly long recoveries; some never ran again; some seemed to have made full recoveries; some had amputations. I didn't really know what to expect.

2/17/13: 0155: Writhing pain. Wtf. Soon realized that while sleeping my foot slipped off its "raised above the heart" perch and over the side of the bed. Note to self: Make sure you are in a sturdy position before falling asleep.

Had breakfast with my loving wife. Decided that my 9:00 dose would be my last one. Because of a tight timeline between our appointment and our flight home tomorrow, we did a dry-run to map out the route. It was really good to be out of bed and on the road. Felt alive again.

2/18/13: Saw Dr. Chau again at his Oasis Sports Medical Group. After x-rays, he assessed that things were OK and he'd rather not disturb the dressing. Was cool seeing my new hardware of the plate and screws via x-ray imagery for the first time.

Ended up having a clean fracture on the fibula, a hairline fracture on the tibia, and heavy trauma to ankle ligaments.

The flight home was tiring. No pain killers but the hurt was more about leg swelling from blood. Had a bulkhead seat which was great, but still could not get comfortable.

Coming home was awesome! Got a savior of a wife, a loving dog, and a worried daughter (in college). Now I could really relax and start healing at home. Couldn't shoot the Triple Crown of Surfing from the water this season so had to settle on being an armchair quarterback.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped care for me. From Tom and Mary Ann Tweed; to the lifeguards at Windansea; to the crew at PB Urgent Care; Dr. Chau, Dr. Shaun Young, Dr. Lance Hendricks and Oasis; and my office for their support. Mostly my wife has been my rock and my savior, rescuing me from the injury, bringing me home safely, and caring for me.

Next chapter: RECOVER

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